So Mom told me people who wrote down their goals were like 94% more likely to achieve them. Maybe not 94%...I wasn't really listening at this point and, therefore, didn't see the forthcoming trap.
Like a sheep being led to a slaughterhouse of future work...which would actually be more like a workhouse....
Like a sheep being led to a workhouse, I wrote out my simple list of goals.
And then she lowered the boom: Now I have to figure out how to achieve these goals. First I had to make a list and then figure out the process to achieve them. Next thing you know, I will have to actually accomplish something.
#1: Learn to draw better. Now drawing is part of my school day. Not bad. But this is what happens when you are home schooled. You mention something and the next thing you know, there is a text book about it in front of you. But really, this is a hard goal to achieve because I think I will always want to get better no matter how good an artist I become.
#2: Write a book. My mom keeps pointing out other bloggers who have gotten book deals from writing blogs. O.k. But I dont' really want to write this kind of a book. Maybe a Manga or a Transformers kind of book. I mean, I would write a book about having Asperger's Syndrome if someone paid me but that isn't what the goal on my list meant.
#3: Learn to draw better on the computer. I have a tablet (like the kind that wrecked Christie's wrist) and a computer. I want to get better at getting my images on the computer and using these tools. Mom is making Alex show me how to do this because he is good at technology. See, my list of goals is now creating more work for my brother, Alex. I really hope there is nothing on his list that makes more work for me.
#4: Get an actual Deviant Art account. I want to post at least 1 time a month on Deviant Art to share my drawing. So I need to draw like 10 things to get 1 thing good enough to share it. My mom said she would pay for the account if I actually post stuff on it.
#5: Learn to draw cars, guns and most 3-dimensional objects better. I normally draw things more "cartoonish" in nature. I really just want to be able to draw Transformers and things in their world better. I ordered a book on how to draw Transformers from Amazon. There were actually like 5 different books on how to draw Transformers. I am glad writing a book on how to draw Transformers was not a goal because that seems to be covered.
My point is, if someone asks you to write down your goals it could be a trap to help you actually achieve them. Careful.
I believe Devianart accounts are free
Posted by: Christie's mom | 01/13/2014 at 09:26 AM
Well written post David! Will be interesting to hear how your goals worked out at the end of the year and how you feel about doing it again. Moms can be tricky. :)
Posted by: Julie Williamson | 01/14/2014 at 10:52 AM