Last night I couldn't go to sleep because I was really angry. Angry about Tumblr feminists.
Tumblr is a fun website. I follow some blogs about shows I like and politics and animals and stuff. However, it is also a festering pit of angst-y teenaged self-proclaimed feminists. I already find modern day feminists to be irritating, but the Tumblr crowd brings a whole new level of obnoxiousness.
They post pictures of themselves holding signs saying why they "need feminism".
They complain about song lyrics that they find "misogynistic".
They complain about the media's portrayal of women. (But aren't women willing participants? It's not like the media is forcing these women to be portrayed this way. Men are often portrayed as incompetent morons on TV, but I never see anyone complaining about that.)
They say that women should be able to wear whatever they want, but then they get angry when they see a scantily dressed lady in an ad.
They complain about men and how they are the root of all evil.
They claim they want to "empower women" but they always play the victims.
Feminists claim to be for "equality", but I never hear them address the issues men face. Men can be victims of abuse too, you know. They can be discriminated against too.
If you have the luxury of going on the internet on your iphone (both of which were invented by men by the way) and complaining about how you are oppressed, then you are not oppressed. For the love of all that is holy, shut up.
Women are oppressed and discriminated against HOW exactly? Last time I checked we can vote, get jobs, go to school, choose to get married, choose not to get married, choose to have kids, choose not to have kids, ect. ect. ect.
What about countries where women CAN'T do those things? I never see feminists doing anything about it. Probably because that would require them to actually physically DO something.
Feminists seem to think that men have had it easy over the centuries and women have had it bad all this time. I don't see how. In fact, I think we've had it pretty good. We got to sit at home and cook and sew while the men had to go out in the freezing cold and blistering heat to go kill something and drag it back so that we could eat it so we wouldn't all die. When enemies invaded, men were the ones who went off to go die a bloody death to protect us.
Men and women have both had difficulties throughout history.
What do these people intend to accomplish by blogging complaints on a stupid website? Do they expect to change something in real life? How is creating an echo chamber of mutual agreement on the internet going to do anything? No amount of likes and reblogs is going to affect anything in the real world.
I think men are awesome. They've done some great stuff. Instead of being angry and bitter about this, I'm grateful. My dad works hard so we don't have to live in a hut made of sticks and newspaper on the side of the freeway.
I am also grateful for the classy ladies who fought for womens rights in the past so that we have them today.
Very well articulated Christie. That's it in a nutshell (albeit an oversized one).
Posted by: Julie Williamson | 01/10/2014 at 10:38 AM
AMEN SISTAH! This all is totally true.
Posted by: Brenna | 01/10/2014 at 11:40 AM
Aww, I was going to post "Amen Sistah!!", which would be so cool. But the previous chick stole my line. I'M SO OPPRESSED!!
Posted by: novamom | 01/10/2014 at 11:57 PM
LOVE this!
Posted by: Kim in Vacaville | 03/20/2014 at 11:26 PM
I don't think tumblr is the best place to talk about feminism.
I claim myself as a feminist (and Aspie :D). Long story short, i fight for men to have the rights to not be manly all the time as much as i fight for women to not just being reduced to their beauty or their looks.
Feminism is also important regarding the recognition of Autism, because most people still think that Autism is a "boy thing" and they reduced it to Rain Man.
Feminism is about trying to find a way to allow anyone, men and women, to be what they want to be.
At least, that's what i see in it (sorry for my english, i'm french)
Posted by: LadyAspie | 12/12/2015 at 05:53 AM
@Ladyaspie, I can respect that.
My rant was more directed at the tumblr kind of feminists specifically. I know not all feminists are bad, and that there are plenty of decent ones out there. I should have mentioned that.
Also, your English is perfectly fine. No worries. :)
Posted by: Christie | 12/30/2015 at 10:52 PM