I liked the book because a lot of the stuff in it I can relate to. And it wasn't too long.
This book is all about getting started on your ideas instead of just thinking about things. And I tend to think about things a lot. And then I don't actually do anything with all the things I thought about. And I kinda want to wait until I am good enough at drawing to get started on all my ideas. But this book helps me to see that I need to just get started on my goals and, in the process, I will get good enough.
Since I read this, I bought a journal to write down my ideas wherever I am. (So I have to actually remember to take the journal with me everywhere. I'm working on that part.)
I am going to keep a chart to make sure I draw every day.
I wrote down my goals.
And I made a list of things that inspire me.
Mom asked if I want to go to any museums or anything. I said Comic Con.
Here are the topics Steal Like an Artist covers. I think the be nice part is obvious, but clearly not everyone knows this rule.
So, I recommend this book. And I am keeping it in my personal library and not with all the family books. If you know me, you know that means it is worthy.
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