Basically, this is really important information for only a small part of the population: People who have so many Lego figures they want to customize them.
So I have a lot of some of the same Lego figures because you can get a Spiderman figure in every Spiderman set. I thought it would be cool to just have a red plain face/head and I wondered if I could get the decal face off the Lego without wrecking the Lego itself.
I could.
You need Brasso, which is for polishing brass. We had to buy some at the gorcery store because we do not have any brass that we normally polish, apparently. You are supposed to wear gloves but I just powered through it without any and was fine. If your hands start to burn, then stop. (That is probably good advice in general.)
At first, I tried just wiping the Brasso on with a q-tip. But this took forever. Then I used an old washcloth that was kinda scratchy and the face came right off in about 30 seconds.
This only 1 hour of screen time a day punishment...I mean experiment...we are doing this summer will drive you to putting skin irritating chemicals onto Legos to see what will happen.
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