My parents went to Furman University. Actually, they met there.
They like to torture us with the story that if you kiss under the famous Bell Tower, you will get married.
This pretty much makes us not ever want to got there. Ever.
I guess I am at the age where people start to ask, "So where are you going to college?"
I mean, No thank you.
But that isn't the end of the conversation.
College is basically like more school about random things. I have learned about random things. I want to learn about things I am actually interested in: drawing, story telling and anything that relates to those things.
I mean, if I had to learn about poetry, I could write poetry. But I do not really want to learn about poetry.
I'd like to steadily get better at the things I am already interested in...which are not poetry.
I'd meet some new people. That would be cool. I'd have to interact with people more than I do now, which could be a good thing or a bad thing. I could become more open to people or more reclusive if it didn't got well.
The roommate thing would be kinda weird. I'd have to get to know that guy. It would be difficult at first.
It would be hard to be away from my brother, Alex. I would be alone from pretty much everyone I know.
And then there would be the problem of moving a lot of my stuff...
Really, the idea of not having my own space is kinda not great.
And I think I'd rather take classes on line.
So when someone asks me about college, I kinda look like I zone out because I am thinking of how to explain all these things. The best answer is still: "No."
I think I could maybe do college. But why go and try out all the things I may want to do when I know what I want to do already? I may go to school just for animation or art one day. But it would take just the right place. Until then, I like the idea of finishing high school and starting college classes on line.
So if you ask me where I am going to college, the answer right now is "NO."
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